Tuesday, November 8, 2022


THE FEMALE BRAIN             and                 THE MALE BRAIN by  Louann Brizendine

One might ask: "What are her credentials?"  Good question.
For the answer, scroll to the bottom of this page.
My students would sometimes ask: "What is the sexiest part of the body?" 
My answer:  "I believe the brain is the sexiest part of the body."
This chapter would normally come later in this sex education course but I've pulled it into this position because of the amount of on-line dating traffic. Actually, reliable information for this demographic has never been in greater demand. Consider also the dating population not on line. Then there are all the partners in long term relationships that could also benefit from some up-to-date knowledge, enlightenment, illumination, and wisdom.

When someone tells me they are dating I regularly pull the Brizendine trigger.  Her germinal books (pun unintended) are a must read for those in the dating demographic, online or otherwise.  Why?  Because these three books by the neuroscientist Dr. Louann Brizendine, paint the full panorama within which people date.  Their world is reflected in these three books.
 It's important for women to understand how men and boys think, and for men would blunder less if they were informed on topics about how women think and behave the way they do. What makes a brain distinctly female?

"Dr. Brizendine distills all of this information in a highly accessible way in order to educate women about their unique brain-body-behavior."
Ever heard a man ask the next day after a date, "What did I do."  
Imagine here, a clueless look on his face.

Men would blunder less often if they were informed on topics about how women think and behave the way they do. What makes a brain distinctly female?

It's important for women to understand how men and boys think.

Dr. Brizendine's credentials:
From the Back Cover
"While doing research as a medical student at Yale and then as a resident and faculty member at Harvard, Louann Brizendine discovered that almost all of the clinical data in existence on neurology, psychology, and neurobiology focused exclusively on males. In response to the overwhelming need for information on the female mind, Brizendine established the first clinic in the country to study and treat women's brain function. At the same time, The National Institutes of Health began including female subjects in almost all of its studies for the first time. The result has been an explosion of new data on the female brain in recent years.
In" The Female Brain, Dr. Brizendine distills all of this information in a highly accessible way in order to educate women about their unique brain-body-behavior. For instance, why are women more verbal than men? Why do women remember details of fights that men can't remember at all? Why do women tend to form deeper bonds with their female friends than men do with their male counterparts? Dr. Brizendine explores these questions and many others that have stumped the sexes throughout the ages.
This revolutionary book combines two decades of Brizendine's own work, real-life stories from her clinical practice, and all of the latest information from the scientific community at large to provide a truly comprehensive look at the way women's minds work."

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